
Hi everyone, I'm Chuck and this is my project. I am going to attempt to make this tired old truck into something worth driving again!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Update: Someone's got a case of the Mondays

It has been a few days since I have written about the project so I figured I should keep yall updated as to what has been happening with the ole beast. Since there are many things happening at once I will use a list to talk about individual parts.
- The new hubs will be here on wednesday sometime so expect to see a post about that soon.
-I also purchased a marker light assembly from ebay for only 10$ including shipping to replace one I had broken while climbing under the hood a while back.
-I have been pretty disgusted by the interior of the truck and when you see the pictures you will understand what I'm talking about. I had considered buying a seat cover for $30 but decided that I might as well look around for other seating options. I began looking on craigslist for a new seat and found no suitable bench seats for under $300 but did find a sweet set of seats from a jeep grand cherokee that I purchased for 80 bones. They are bucket style tan, leather, power-adjust seats. They are taking quite a bit of fabrication and frustration to mount but I am certain that I will be able to get them in soon. The drivers seat needs reupholstered but thats cool I have ideas about how to deal with that problem. The final setup will be 3 seats across. both nice buckets and one of the rear seats between them. The center seat should fold for storage and will have a console on it most of the time. The biggest benefit to these seats is that they are high-back buckets with headrests that will prevent my head from going through the rear window when someone rear-ends me. I also plan on upgrading from the stupid lap-belts to the safer over the shoulder style. on Saturday I used my time to (instead of working out my blinker issue) play with the new seats, I started by ripping out the bench seat, easy, 4 bolts and its out. Then I ripped out the floor mat or what was left of it and proceeded to sweep 35 years of dirt and junk out from the interior. I had to use a wire brush to get the caked on dirt and tons of rust out from the floorboards. I was hoping to find some change under that seat but only found 5 pennies and some camel cash. Both floor pans are rusted through in places so expect to see a post about replacing rusty floor pans soon.
-Today before I got started on the bucket seat conversion I couldn't help but notice the entire house smelled like gasoline. The stench was coming from the garage and from a small pool of gasoline under the truck. The rubber hoses that connect the fuel pump to the hard lines had finally deteriorated to the point of failure. With the fuel tank sitting behind the seat, higher than most of the fuel delivery system, any leaks will continue to drip. I had the rubber hoses replaced in no time and was able to move on. I expect to replace every single piece of rubber on this truck. if it isn't cracked and dried it is soaked and dissolved.


  1. I know, I'm getting to it... tomorrow? I'll throw a few more pictures up to appease the masses :)
